It is a glorious day! The culmination of a huge dream has resulted in a wonderful new chapter for Progressive Power Yoga. As I write this, I am headed to New York to meet with a host of my favorite editors of the magazines and television shows. Truth be told, this is one of my favorite parts. Not because of the publicity, but because it gives me a wonderful opportunity to share this practice that I love with countless new minds who are receptive to receiving it.
The power of the media is substantial, and its ability to convey the beauty, grace and majesty of the yoga practice is unparalleled. So while I am living my life in the Now, and conscious of the life-transforming breath that I generate, I am grateful that my circumstances have led me to this new, wonderful chapter. For what is life, if not an adventure?
As I watch our new website emerge from the talented geniuses at The Illusion Factory, I count my blessings that we have been lucky to work with Brian and his incredible team of artists and visionaries. Up until we partnered with The Illusion Factory, I had never collaborated with a company of their magnitude, and the results we have created will clearly speak for themselves. Our new Sedona Experience DVDs are about to release worldwide tomorrow.
They are a direct manifestation of a dream I have nurtured for many years now. Every time I conduct a retreat in Sedona, Arizona, I am captivated by the sheer magnificence of the environment. The power of the energy vortex infuses the yoga practice with an essence that can never be qualified with words. But somehow, we got a core component of this world encapsulated into our DVDs and we have pushed the threshold of everything we have done in the past in favor of garnering a new experience that we have never offered our clients…. until now.
I cannot wait to share The Sedona Experience with all of you. I know that you will discover the tremendous energy that awaits you in this practice. My sports clients are taking it on the road with them, as are my celebrity clients who are going on location. My students are using it for travel as well. But the one thing that everyone says in common is….Wow~!
This is a new chapter for my organization. We are gearing up for some very exciting things in the months ahead. I will keep you all posted, but in the meantime, I encourage you to stay in the Now, keep your practice fresh and exciting, and keep your yogic energy strong. The world is going through change, and positive energy is in more need than ever before. Are you doing all that you can to cultivate and nurture yours?