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What Do Different Aura Colors Mean?

The human aura is a fascinating thing, and can provide lots of information about a person, including about their states of health and mind. Learning to read the aura involves gaining an understanding of what the different aura colors mean. Although everybody’s aura is different, there are some generally accepted guidelines when it comes to interpreting aura colors.

General Aura Color Meanings


The color red is predominantly connected with the physical body. A deep, strong, clear red denotes power, energy and passion. Flares of red might represent anger or be indicative of physical illness. An individual whose aura is predominantly red in color may be more power-seeking and materialistic than average.


Orange in the aura is connected to physical energy, and this is a very uplifting color that is linked with good physical health and mental vitality. A lot of orange in the aura can also be a sign of creativity.


Yellow is a very vital, optimistic color and a yellow aura is linked with feelings of joy, energy and freedom. A yellow-gold color is associated with spiritual development, as seen in the halos surrounding Jesus and other figures in early paintings.


A person with a strong green aura may have powerful healing abilities, and the color green is also linked with physical health, providing it is strong and uniform in nature. Distorted or sickly looking green colors can indicate negative emotions such as jealousy or dishonesty. But overall, green is a restful, healing color that is associated with nature and a sense of growth and balance.


Blue in the aura is linked with the emotions and a sense of peace. A person whose aura is predominantly blue in color is likely to be a calm and inspiring individual to be around. Bright blue is also linked with psychic activity, whereas a dull, muddy blue color indicates fear.


Shades of purple in the aura denote spiritual energy, and are likely to be seen in those who have worked on themselves and are in touch with their inner ‘source’ energy. Purple is linked strongly with intuition, visionary thought and also with an artistic mindset.

Brown/Earth Colors

Earthy colors such as brown in the aura can indicate connection with the Earth and the physical body. Individuals displaying such colours are likely to be very grounded and to feel a deep sense of connection with nature.


Areas of black in the aura are not usually good sign, and may be connected with unreleased strong negative emotions, or possibly entity attachment.


White is a pure color, and white streaks in the aura may indicate spiritual aspiration, or a person who greatly values truth and similar transcendent qualities. On the other hand, significant white areas in the aura may also be connected with serious illness, and it has been observed that the auras of people who are about to die turn white just before the point of death.

Viewing The Colors Of The Aura

If you’re just learning to see auras, don’t worry if you can’t perceive colors at first, as this is quite normal. Many people are just learning aura viewing see greyish white energy first, and color vision develops later.

Viewing the colors of the aura becomes easier when you learn to achieve and maintain a state of deep relaxation. This is because aura perception seems to be enhanced when the brain is in the alpha state; that is, it is predominantly producing brainwaves of 8 – 12 Hz in frequency.

It can be difficult to maintain this state if you’re not used to meditating, but fortunately it becomes much easier if you listen to a brainwave entrainment recording which is designed to help develop your aura viewing abilities. Such a recording incorporates specific frequencies to which the brain has a natural tendency to adjust – so by listening to the recording, your brain gets a helping hand, so to speak, and it becomes easier to relax and maintain a meditative state. With practice, you can learn to do this naturally and will no longer need the recording.

Brainwave entrainment recordings are available in three types: binaural beats, monaural beats and isochronic tones. All three work very well, although some people find isochronic tones to be a bit more powerful.

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