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How Do You Know If You Are Psychic? Signs To Look Out For

If you have always suspected that you have extrasensory perception and you are unsure of whether you are a psychic, all you need to do is be on the lookout for important signs. Some of the signs that you need to be on the lookout for are:



This is the ability of knowing past events even if you were not there. For example, you might know how your great grandmother’s funeral was and yet you were not born by then.

Retrocognition usually happens spontaneously either through dreams or in everyday life. Here you gain information of past events by simply perceiving scenes. The scenes can be in form of sounds or smells of the past.


This is the ability of seeing future events before they occur. For example, you might know that the phone is going to ring and who is going to call. You might also know that someone is going to be in trouble. You are able to know about the future either through vision or just having a feeling.

You may also experience physical ailments or even fall into trancelike phases. You can also dream about something that is going to take place.


This is a situation where you are able to send thoughts through your mind and as a result other people are able to detect the messages. Through this silent form of communication you are able to send emotions and information to other people without even being present. If you are telepathic, you are able to read other people’s minds.


If you have this ability you are able to find out about someone by simply touching the person’s belonging or artifact. For example, you can be able to tell about a lady by simply touching her handbag.

Also see: https://cheaponlinepsychicreading.com/the-practice-of-psychometry/

To be able to tell about the person vibrations occur when you come into contact with the handbag. The vibrations generated are the ones that send you accurate information about the person.

Objective Clairvoyance

Here you are able to see spirits that other people can’t. In addition to this you are able to see objects from spiritual realms too. To be able to do this you are able to detect vibrations of a spirit.


These are some of the signs that show that you could be a psychic. If you have these signs, you should talk to a professional psychic reader and he/she will guide you on what to do next.

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